NEW VIDEO: Sharing Some Great Book News with YOU
Are You Ready to Fully Harness the POWER of the Internet?:
This new title reveals the most practical and cost-effective ways that Bob and other successful authors have promoted themselves and their books online. It demystifies Internet book marketing and makes it accessible to any author at any skill level.
Learn more about it here ...
Seriously can't wait to get mine in the mail! Although my primary passion is music, I always enjoy writing too. And what better way to get my ass in gear! Thank you Bob! :~)
By Ian Narcisi, At Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I am soooo looking forward to receiving my copy of your new book. I have appreciated the creative way you've been sending segments as you complete them for those of us who pre-ordered copies. It is going to be a tremendous resource as I finish my first book! I respect the fact that you always lead by example. Thanks for yet another great resource for authors!
By Toni McMurphy, At Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Robert Kiyosaki has done something similar with his new book "Conspiracy of the Rich". I've read it online, downloaded it, excellent! I'll buy the book once it's out!
By Evan Tate, At Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hi Bob -
It is wonderful to hear about the completion of your new book. I am excited about receiving my copy! You have mentored me and guided me on my business and I also am releasing my first book "Streams of Yellowstone" and your book will be of great value to me in advancing my little business. Bob, thank you again for all the help you have been to me.
Doug Higgins
By Montana Brass, At Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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