Bob Baker's Indie Music Promotion Blog

News, notes and ideas on music marketing, self-promotion, artist empowerment and more

June 21, 2005

Internet Music Promotion Principle #4: Focus on the Most Important Factor That Determines Your Success

This is the final blog post covering the four most important principles of Internet music marketing. If you missed the first three, you should probably read principles #1, #2 and #3 first.

Musicians venture onto the Web for all sorts of reasons
. Some put up a web site just because everybody else is doing it or because they think it's the best way to impress industry people. Others establish an Internet presence because they think search engines will list their site and drive traffic to it while they sleep.

What's the real reason you should promote yourself online? Here's my best answer, and you should apply this concept to just about every action you take to promote your music, online and off:

Your main focus should be to attract and start relationships with a growing number of fans. No other factor will influence your level of success like a large and enthusiastic fan base. It doesn't matter how impressive your record label, attorney, manager, publicist or radio promotions person is. None of that means squat if fans don't connect with you. However, you can have no label deal, attorney, manager, etc., and still be a huge success if you have fans -- and lots of them.

Fans are the only thing that count (along with the quality of your music and your integrity), so put a priority on courting them. Use the unique interactive qualities of the Web to communicate with people interested in your music. Get to know them. Allow them to get to know you and the intimate details that led you to create the music they enjoy so much.

Forget all the hype and distractions and put your focus where it needs to be the most: on fans!

posted by Bob Baker @ 10:05 PM   0 comments


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